Branding - "1st BC"

The British Columbia Regiment (Duke of Connaught's Own) is a reserve army regiment based in Vancouver, British Columbia. A branding project was initiated by the Commanding Officer with the intent to tie the current, active duty regiment in with one of its perpetuated unit from World War 1, the 7th (1st British Columbia) Battalion, Canadian Epeditionary Force. It was this unit that bore the brunt of the first gas attack launched by the Germans near Saint Julien during the Second Battle of Ypres in April 1915.

Using the 7th (1st BC) Bn badge as a starting point, the design was stripped down to only the number "1st" and ribbons with words "British Columbia". These elements were then redrawn as vector art. The resulting design has proven to be very adaptable to varying applications and is easily recognisable - an important consideration for branding projects.
Below is an example of the new "1st British Columbia" brand in use, on the new Regimental hockey equipment.